Über Folter und Unterdrückung, Widerstand und die Auswirkungen von Gezi. Interview zur LGTB-Bewegung in der Türkei.

yildizWir haben uns mit Yildiz Tar getroffen, Journalist*in, Autor*in des Buches „Genosse, ich bin eine Schwuchtel“, seit acht Jahren Aktivist*in in der lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender Bewegung (LGBT). Yildiz ist Redakteur*in des Magazins und der Website von KAOS GL (eine anarchistische LGBT Organisation die 1994 Gegründet wurde). Außerdem ist Yildiz Mitglied bei Lamda Istanbul (einer sozialistischen LGBT Organisation die 1993 nach dem Verbot des Cristopher Street Day’s gegründet wurde.)

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Workers sit-in to demand unpaid wages from closed business. Owner allowed to simply walk away.

ParisBakery_draftv2On Tuesday, 20th May, the staff of the “Paris Bakery” in Dublin showed up for work as usual, only to find themselves locked out of their workplace and owed at least 3 months in wages. So the workers got angry, got organised, got into the premises and started a sit-in. (mehr …)


Erdoğan yarattığı baskıdan taviz vermiyor ve polislerini devrimci mahallelere saldırtıyor.
“Terörle mücadele timleri çatıdan ve pencereden içeri girdikten sonra plastik mermi ve gaz bombası atmaya başladılar ve sonra binaya girip önlerine gelen her şeyi paramparça ettiler. Dizüstü bilgisayarlarımızı yaktılar, odalarımızı dağıttılar ve hatta beslediğimiz muhabbet kuşunu boynunu kırarak öldürdüler. Sonra bizi karakola götürdüler ve dövmeye başladılar.” Bunları bize devrimcilerin güçlü ve Alevilerin çoğunlukta olduğu Okmeydanı’nın gençlerinden biri, Mustafa* anlattı.

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Erdogan flexs his muscles and hundreds of cops attack left-wing districts.


„After the antiterrorist squad broke through the roof and the window, they started firing pepper-balls and gas grenades, then stormed the house and destroyed everything in their path. They burned our laptops, vandalized our rooms and they even broke our pet bird’s neck. Afterwards they took us to the police station and continued hitting and abusing us,“ Mustafa*, one of the youths from the left-wing Alevi district of Okmeydani, Istanbul, tells me. (mehr …)


Erdogan lässt die Muskeln spielen und hunderte Bullen in linke Kieze einreiten.

jfoederation4“Nachdem die Antiterroreinheiten das Dach und die Fenster aufgebrochen hatten, schossen sie mit Pepperballs und Gasgranaten rein, sie stürmten das Haus und zerstörten alles, was ihnen in den Weg kam. Sie haben unsere Laptops verbrannt, unsere Zimmer verwüstet und selbst unserem Vogel haben sie den Hals umgedreht. Dann haben sie uns mit auf die Station genommen wo wir weiter geschlagen und Misshandelt wurden”, erzählt mir Mustafa*, ein Jugendlicher aus dem linken alevitischen Stadtteil Okmeydani in Istanbul.

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Julius_Fučík_2Buchrezension zu Julius Fučíks „Eine Reise nach München“ von 1934     Von Pat Batemensch

„Menschen, ich hatte euch lieb, seid wachsam!“ Es ist ein ungebrochener Trend bürgerlicher Erinnerungskultur, zu reduzieren und damit an immer falscher Stelle zu relativieren. Was bringt es auch, sich mit Menschen und ihrem Schaffen auseinanderzusetzen, wenn den absoluten und gottgleichen Überblick doch eh nur der ominöse Datenkrake von aus dem All erlangen kann. Nein, lieber ins gemachte Nest setzen, sich das schmucke Che-Shirt überstreifen, Punkt 20.15 Uhr den neuesten alten Schmodder von Stefan Raab anschalten, so lange, bis dann endlich alle mal sagen: „Eigentlich…“ (mehr …)


IMG_6360İstanbul’a 1 Mayıs için gelmiş olan tek gazeteciler bizler değildik.
Frankfurt’tan bazı arkadaşlarımız da bir video-belgesel çekmek amacıyla gelmişlerdi. Bu Erdoğan’ın köpeklerinin pek hoşuna gitmedi ve arkadaşlarımız sivil polisin hedefi hâline geldiler. Yoldaşlarımızın yaşadıklarını sizlere aktarıyoruz.

1 Mayıs bizim için erken başladı, 26 Nisan 2014 günü. Gezi eylemlerinden sonra, Gezi eylemlerinin Türkiye toplumuna etkilerini kayıt altına almak amacıyla bir kez daha İstanbul’a gittik. Bunun bir parçası olarak farklı insanlarla röportaj düzenlemek amacıyla randevular aldık. İHD (İnsan Hakları Derneği), ÇHD (Avukatlar), sendikalar (DİSK ve KESK), gazeteciler, BDP, HDP, CHP, TGB gibi partiler ve pek tabi ki devrimci gruplar vardı bu isimlerin arasında.

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7695605v2Nachdem wir uns ja frühzeitig zur sogenannten “neuen Friedensbewegung”, die seit einigen Wochen Montags bundesweit mahnwacht, geäußert hatten, nehmen wir uns jetzt einen beinahe noch interessanteren Gegenstand zur Brust: Die linke Debatte rund um die Montagsdemos.
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somatitelHundreds of workers died due to a technical fault in a coal-mine in Turkey. The left-wing movement is calling it a “massacre”

Soma, a little town in western Turkey, has a population of about 10, 000 and a coal mine. The latter is operated by Soma Holding, whose CEO Alp Gürkan is close to the governing AKP. The group recently implemented ongoing cost-saving measures, and praised itself for massively reducing the price of coal. A safety-check demanded by the CHP opposition was denied a few weeks ago by Erdogans’ AKP, and so the inevitable happened: after a “technical fault”, the death toll is currently 298 workers, but the number keeps rising and more than 100 workers are still missing. Numbered among the dead is a 15-year old boy who was working in the mine. (mehr …)


For the Austrian Police the bludgeoning of antifascist IMG_20140517_152952895_HDRdemonstrations has become to some kind of quarterly routine. After using truncheons and pepper gas against the protests around this years “Akademikerball” in the end of January, last Saturday was the second time this year that the cops attacked an antifascist demonstration with completely disproportionate means.

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Über Folter und Unterdrückung, Widerstand und die Auswirkungen von Gezi. Interview zur LGTB-Bewegung in der Türkei. Wir haben uns mit […]

Workers sit-in to demand unpaid wages from closed business. Owner allowed to simply walk away. On Tuesday, 20th May, the […]

Erdoğan yarattığı baskıdan taviz vermiyor ve polislerini devrimci mahallelere saldırtıyor. “Terörle mücadele timleri çatıdan ve pencereden içeri girdikten sonra plastik […]

Erdogan flexs his muscles and hundreds of cops attack left-wing districts. „After the antiterrorist squad broke through the roof and […]

Erdogan lässt die Muskeln spielen und hunderte Bullen in linke Kieze einreiten. “Nachdem die Antiterroreinheiten das Dach und die Fenster […]

25. Mai 2014 | admin

Der Tourist

Buchrezension zu Julius Fučíks „Eine Reise nach München“ von 1934     Von Pat Batemensch „Menschen, ich hatte euch lieb, seid wachsam!“ Es […]

İstanbul’a 1 Mayıs için gelmiş olan tek gazeteciler bizler değildik. Frankfurt’tan bazı arkadaşlarımız da bir video-belgesel çekmek amacıyla gelmişlerdi. Bu […]

Nachdem wir uns ja frühzeitig zur sogenannten “neuen Friedensbewegung”, die seit einigen Wochen Montags bundesweit mahnwacht, geäußert hatten, nehmen wir […]

Hundreds of workers died due to a technical fault in a coal-mine in Turkey. The left-wing movement is calling it […]

For the Austrian Police the bludgeoning of antifascist demonstrations has become to some kind of quarterly routine. After using truncheons […]